Buy Western Downs

BWD-Logo-Cropped.jpg     Click here to view the Local Business Directory


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Live Local - Shop Local

Welcome to Buy Western Downs - our region's exciting shop local initiative highlighting the incredible local businesses of the Western Downs. 

This initiative is a region wide celebration of the amazing products and services we have on offer in our very own backyard. The Buy Western Downs platform is a one-stop shop that will allow you to support local by searching for the goods or services you need.

If you're a business owner on the Western Downs, add your business to our Local Business Directory for local and visiting customers to find you (it's FREE to join)!

Why should I shop local?

Shopping local is a powerful way to support our community. Shopping local is more than just a transaction - it's an investment into the region. Every dollar spent locally helps sustain jobs, support local families and keeps our community and economy vibrant. Our local businesses also offer unique experiences, provide personalised service and add a touch of local flavour that can’t be replicated. 

Why should my business join the Local Business Directory?

The Buy Western Downs Local Business Directory serves as a central place for consumers and other business to find information about your business. Not only is the initiative aimed at increasing local business, but it also increases your business' online presence linking consumers straight to your website or social media. 

This platform provides amazing marketing opportunities for businesses targeting not only residents but also visitors to the region - and best of all, it's FREE


The Locally Led Economic Recovery Program is provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).


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Buy Western Downs Competition - Terms & Conditions(PDF, 31KB)

Live Local - Shop Local

Western Downs Regional Council is pleased to present the new Buy Western Downs – Shop Local Initiative. The platform aims to highlight the multitude of local businesses based right here in the Western Downs.

This initiative is a region wide celebration of the amazing products and services on offer right here in our very own backyard. Local businesses offer unique experiences, provide personalised service and add a touch of local flavour that can’t be replicated.

The Buy Western Downs platform is a one-stop shop that will allow you to support local by searching for the goods or services you need.

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Why should I shop local?

Shopping local is a powerful way to support our community. Shopping local is more than just a transaction; its an investment into the region. Every dollar spent locally helps sustain jobs, support local families and keeps our community and economy vibrant.

Through the Buy Western Downs initiative, we are excited to invite you to support the local community by shopping local for your chance to win some amazing prizes. Every purchase you make not only boost the local economy but also allows you to enter the monthly draw. Win-Win! 

Visit our Local Business Directory

Put your business in our Local Business Registry - IT'S FREE!

This platform provides amazing marketing opportunities for businesses targeting not only residents but also visitors to the region.

Buy Western Downs serves as a central directory where consumers and other business can find information about your business and links them straight to your website or social media.

Not only is the initiative aimed at increasing local business, it also increases your online presence.

Check out our Local Business Directory and add your business here.

Enter our Buy Western Downs monthly 'Shop Local' Draw!

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