Recycling is a way for individuals and businesses to reduce the amount of waste that would otherwise be sent to landfill. Far less energy is used to recycle a used product than to create a new product from raw resources.
Diverting recyclable waste from landfill helps to save:
- Natural resources, energy and water used during production
- Fuel used for transportation
- Space in landfill
- Greenhouse gas emissions
Council offers a fortnightly Recycling bin collection service to residents living within a declared waste collection area.
Find Your Bin Day and Recycling Week
Find Out What Can Go In Your Recycling Bin
For more information on Council's kerbside collection service please visit the collections page.
Did you know that there are recycling opportunities at all of the region’s waste disposal facilities?
Residents are encouraged to deposit recyclable materials in the dedicated recycling areas at the waste disposal facilities, thereby helping to reduce the volumes of waste being buried in the region’s landfills.
The recycling of many of the materials is free to both residential and commercial customers unless specified in Council's Fees and Charges.
What materials are accepted for recycling at Council's Waste and Recycling Facilities?
WDRC Waste Facility Checklist(PDF, 77KB)
Preparing for your visit to the waste disposal facility
Prior to visiting one of the region’s waste disposal facilities, it is worth considering what types of waste you have for disposal and which are suitable for recycling. Thinking about sorting your load before you leave home could save yourself some time and effort when you get to the waste disposal facility. Council's Waste facilities are now set up to allow you to drop off the recyclable items first and then dispose of any general waste last. At the main supervised facilities, there are greater opportunities for recycling and you will be directed to the recycling drop off areas prior to disposing of any general waste. At the unsupervised sites, please refer to signage for direction and instructions.
How to sort and segregate your load
Before you start loading your waste, separate the recyclable waste items from the general waste and place all waste material into piles depending on type. Place all general waste, destined for landfill, at the rear of your load as you will drop this off last. Stack piles of greenwaste, timber, soil and concrete around the sides and middle and place any scrap metal and flattened cardboard on the top. Remember any cooking or motor oil should be transported in a sealed container to prevent leakage. Any items suitable for reuse or recycling at The Recycling Market should be stacked at the front of the load. It is also essential to remember to secure your load by tying it down with a rope or straps or covering with a net or tarpaulin to prevent litter or potential road accidents.
On arrival at the waste disposal facility, the attendant on site will direct you to The Recycling Market and/or the recycling bays or you can follow the signage. By sorting and segregating your waste prior to visiting the waste disposal facilities, you will not only find it easier and neater to load but quicker and safer to dispose of the waste at the designated areas when you reach the site. You will also be assisting Western Downs Regional Council in improving its resource recovery and recycling rates by diverting waste from landfill.
What are the benefits of waste segregation?
Westerns Downs Regional Council are working towards improving resource recovery through increasing recycling opportunities at waste disposal facilities in the region for both domestic and commercial customers. This in turn is helping to divert waste from landfill.
Encouraging people to utilise the recycling facilities available at these sites lessens the environmental impact of waste disposal by reducing the volumes of waste going to landfill. With limited available space and restrictions on new landfill establishment, the provision of recycling facilities offers an effective and more sustainable alternative to managing the region’s waste.
Feedback to Council suggests that the majority of users approve of the new recycling opportunities available at the waste disposal facilities and demand is for further expansion of these recycling facilities.
Sort it. Load it. Recycle it! By sorting and segregating your load, you will not only save yourself time and effort, but will also be making a positive contribution to the economic and environmental future of Western Downs.
DrumMuster collection centres are available across the region to collect and recycle your clean, empty farm chemical containers.
All eligible containers delivered to collection centres should:
- Be free of chemical residue (some stains may be accepted)
- Be clean, dry and have lids removed
- Only containers carrying the drumMUSTER logo will be accepted at collections
All eligible containers will need to be inspected on site by an Authorised Drum Muster Inspection Officer
Collection Centres
Program delivered by Bell P&C. March and October musters. Please contact Bell P&C directly.
For further information or contact details please visit
Chinchilla Waste and Recycling Centre
Loads under 50 drums can be taken to the centre during opening hours. Please present to the gatehouse to arrange inspection of drums.
For loads over 50 drums, an appointment will need to be made. Please contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624). Council will then arrange for a DrumMuster Inspector at the Chinchilla Waste and Recycling Centre to make contact and arrange a suitable inspection time.
For loads over 600 drums, on-farm collection is encouraged and can be arranged by contacting DrumMuster direct. For further information please visit
Due to operational requirements on-site, some delays in drum inspections may be experienced throughout the week and on weekends.
Condamine Waste and Recycling Centre
Receivals by appointment only. To arrange a time, please contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624).
Council will then arrange for the Condamine DrumMuster Inspector to make contact to arrange a suitable inspection time.
Dalby Waste and Recycling Centre
Loads under 50 drums can be taken to the centre during opening hours. Please present to the gatehouse to arrange inspection of drums.
For loads over 50 drums, an appointment will need to be made. Please contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624). Council will then arrange for a DrumMuster Inspector at the Dalby Waste and Recycling Centre to make contact and arrange a suitable inspection time.
For loads over 600 drums, on-farm collection is encouraged and can be arranged by contacting DrumMuster direct. Alternatively, Dalby Junior Rugby Union Club also offer and inspection program. For further information please visit
Due to operational requirements on-site, some delays in drum inspections may be experienced throughout the week and on weekends.
Jandowae Winfields Road Waste Management Centre
Drums can be taken to the centre during opening hours. Please present to the gatehouse to arrange inspection of drums.
Moonie Transfer Station
Receivals by appointment only. To arrange a time, please contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624).
Council will then arrange for the Moonie DrumMuster Inspector to make contact to arrange a suitable inspection time.
Program delivered by Meandarra P&C. Please contact Meandarra P&C directly. For further information or contact details please visit
Tara Landfill
Drums can be taken to the centre during opening hours. Please present to the gatehouse to arrange inspection of drums.
Wandoan Landfill
Drums can be taken to the centre during opening hours. Please present to the gatehouse to arrange inspection of drums.
Did you know that you can now recycle your batteries? 
Battery safety is a serious issue. Batteries should never go into your waste or recycling bin as they are hazardous, flammable and could start a fire in the back of a truck or at a waste facility.
There are a wide range of battery types all containing valuable materials. Returning batteries to a safe drop off location will ensure those valuable materials get turned into something new, keep toxic chemicals out of the landfills, reduce the risk of fires in trucks as well as protect the community and keep them safe!
You can return your single use and rechargeable batteries to the following locations -
- Dalby Waste and Recycling Centre
- Chinchilla Waste and Recycling Centre
- Miles Waste and Recycling Centre
- Jandowae Winfield's Road Waste Management Centre
- Wandoan Waste Facility
- Tara Waste Facility
Or the following Council Customer Service Centres -
- Dalby
- Chinchilla
- Miles
- Tara
- Jandowae
- Wandoan Library
The following battery types are accepted free of charge
- Regular household batteries, like the standard-sized batteries used to power household items such as AA, AAA, C, D etc.
- Button batteries, like the ones you might find in a television remote or car keys.
- Rechargeable batteries, like the standard-size, handheld rechargeable batteries of all types, up to 5kg.
- Removable batteries, like the ones found in products like power tools and digital cameras.