Roads & Roadsides

New road


Western Downs Regional Council has the largest road network in length in Queensland, with nearly 10,000km of road to maintain.

Reporting a road issue

You can report a road issue by submitting a service (customer) request through our online feedback form or by contacting Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624)

Road issues include:

  • Pot holes
  • Asphalt or bitumen in need of repair
  • Edge break or edge drop off
  • Corrugation or rough surface (ie. Maintenance Grading request)
  • Faded or no line marking
  • Debris (ie. Street Sweeping request)

Please note that Council does not maintain all roads - some roads are maintained by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR). 

What are State-controlled Roads?

Major roads (arterial roads, highways and freeways) are managed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Major roads are those which carry a high volume of traffic. 

In the Western Downs region, there is approximately 2,200km of state - controlled roads.

You can find out more about State-controlled roads from the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

What are Roadsides?

A 'roadside' or road reserve is the area between the edge of a road and the boundary of a property, not including the footpath. In residential areas these are often referred to as 'nature strips'.

Maintenance of Roads and Roadsides

Our Works Department undertakes road maintenance such as:

  • Grading unsealed roads (this includes both our gravel and natural formation roads)
  • Repairing potholes
  • Repairing and maintaining footpaths
  • Street sweeping our town streets with kerb and channel
  • Removing dead animals and hazards from roads 
  • Installing and maintaining street signs
  • Installing and maintaining street furniture including bollards
  • Installing rural address markers

Council has dedicated road inspectors that travel and inspect both the local and state controlled road network routinely. 

However, we appreciate assistance by reporting any road concerns. You can complete a service (customer) request through our online feedback form or by contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624).

Council Roads

Council is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all local roads, approximately 7,400km. We ensure the local roads around Western Downs remain safe, functional and well-maintained.

Local roads include local town streets as well as rural roads (sealed and unsealed). These are roads with lower volumes of through-traffic and mostly handle local traffic.

Council has multiple road asset classes, these are:

  • Sealed
  • Gravel
  • Formed
  • Trafficable
  • Unformed

We also have road reserves which whilst can be utilised for access do not have any formed roads assets.

State-Controlled Roads

The easiest way to view roads that are the responsibility of the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) is to use the Queensland Traffic website.  

State controlled roads in the Western Downs

  • Auburn Road
  • Bunya Highway
  • Bunya Mountains Road
  • Bunya Mountains - Maclagan Road
  • Chinchilla - Tara Road
  • Daandine - Nandi Road
  • Dalby - Cecil Plains Road
  • Dalby - Cooyar Road
  • Dalby - Jandowae Road
  • Dalby - Kogan Road
  • Jandowae Connection Road
  • Jackson - Wandoan Road
  • Kingaroy - Jandowae Road
  • Leichhardt Highway
  • Macalister - Bell Road
  • Meandarra - Talwood Road
  • Roma - Condamine Road
  • Roma - Taroom Road
  • Surat Development Road
  • Tara - Kogan Road
  • Warra - Canaga Road
  • Warra - Canaga Creek Road
  • Warra - Kogan Road
  • Warrego Highway

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) are responsible for management of the asset (this includes upgrades and renewals) and the management of the traffic on these roads.

To request a traffic concern or to request an upgrade or reconstruction for one of the state-controlled roads, please contact DTMR direct.

Council receives a lot of feedback regarding increasing traffic volumes or upgrade requests on these main roads. While it is not within Council's ability or role to solve these problems, we do have regular meetings with DTMR and make regular representations to DTMR and State Government regarding the problems experienced by Western Downs residents.

Council is engaged by the Department of Transport and Maintenance Roads (DTMR) to perform maintenance works on the state-controlled roads through a 'Road Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC). This is an annual fixed budget contract that includes the following work activities:


  • Pavement repairs
  • Roadside shoulder grading
  • Repairing potholes
  • Replacing and / or reinstating road signs
  • Roadside slashing
  • Drainage maintenance
  • Miscellaneous maintenance activities

To report a maintenance issue on a state-controlled road, please report the issue by completing a service (customer) request through our online feedback form or by contacting Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624).

Council and State-Controlled Roadsides

Council Roadsides

Council is responsible for roadsides for all local roads.

State-controlled Roadsides

The Department of Transport and Main Road are responsible along most major roads as listed under ' State Controlled Roads' above. Western Downs Regional Council completes maintenance activities on the state-controlled road - these activities are listed below: 

  • Pavement repairs
  • Roadside shoulder grading
  • Repairing potholes
  • Replacing and / or reinstating road signs
  • Roadside slashing
  • Drainage maintenance
  • Miscellaneous maintenance activities

Road Upgrades & Extensions

Roads are upgraded or extended by the following ways:

  • Funding is provided via Council's capital budget to deliver Council's works program, or through funding from other levels of government.
  • Any requests for an upgrade or extensions are added to Council's consideration list for future budget decisions.
  • Developers seal existing unsealed roads as part of their planning permit obligations when a development is built. In new subdivisions, the cost of infrastructure (such as sealed roads, footpaths and drainage) is shared across all lots to be sold by the developer. The purchaser of the new lot and its subsequent purchasers pay to get the benefits of the infrastructure.

To find out more please see Council's Extension and or Upgrade Road Network Policy

Special Charge Schemes

A Special Charge Scheme is a charge levied on landowners who benefit from infrastructure works on assets affecting their property.

Implemented under the Local Government Act, a Special Charge Scheme allows Council to recover its capital investment from those who benefit directly from the works.

Road Management Plan

Western Downs Regional Council ensure the roads are safe and well maintained. To ensure we provide consistent and effective levels or service across the region Council has implemented and adopted a Transport Asset Maintenance Management Plan (TAMMP). The TAMMP details the frequency that road assets are inspected and the standards to which they are maintained and repaired.

Council Road Register

Western Downs Regional Council has an asset register which identified which roads or parts of roads Council is responsible for.