Public Wi-Fi


Residents and visitors to the Western Downs Region can connect to Free Wi-Fi at main WRDC Sites during business hours, 8 AM - 5 PM Mon - Fri.

To connect to this service, select the Wi-Fi name listed below for your location in your devices wireless network settings. Once the pop up appears, select "Get Online", accept the terms of use and fill in a short survey to continue.


Customer Service Centres

Chinchilla Customer Service Centre 
80-86 Heeney Street, Chinchilla QLD 4413

Dalby Corporate Office
30 Marble Street, Dalby QLD 4405

Jandowae Community & Cultural Centre
22 George Street, Jandowae QLD 4410

Miles Customer Service Centre
81 Murilla Street, Miles QLD 4415

Tara Customer Service Centre
19 Fry Street, Tara QLD 4421

Wandoan Customer Service Centre
6 Henderson Road, Wandoan QLD 4419

Visitor Information Centres

Dalby Visitor Information Centre
Thomas Jack Park, Drayton St, Dalby QLD 4405

Miles Visitor Information Centre
Miles Historical Village Museum, 141 Murilla St, Miles QLD 4415

Chinchilla Visitor Information Centre
Warrego Highway, Chinchilla QLD 4413

Western Downs Libraries

Bell Library
71 Maxwell St, Bell QLD 4408

Chinchilla Library
27 Bell St, Chinchilla QLD 4413

Dalby Library
 Level 1/69 Drayton St, Dalby QLD 4405

Meandarra Library
Sara St, Meandarra QLD 4422

Miles Library
Cnr Dawson Street &, Murilla St, Miles QLD 4415

Tara Library
31 Day St, Tara QLD 4421

Moonie Library
Leichhardt Highway, Moonie QLD 4406

Wandoan Library
6 Henderson Rd, Wandoan QLD 4419

Other Centres & Facilities

Chinchilla Botanical Gardens
Canaga St, Chinchilla QLD 4413

Dalby Events Centre
54 Nicholson St, Dalby QLD 4405

Dalby Saleyards
72 Yumborra Rd, Dalby QLD 4405

Jimbour House
86 Jimbour Station Rd, Jimbour East QLD 4406

Miles ANZAC Park
Murilla Street, Miles QLD 4415

Moonie RTC
Lot 37 Leichhardt Highway, Moonie QLD 4406


Wi-Fi use

Hotspot areas are to be used in a fair and community-minded manner. Council may choose to limit downloads, connection times, availability and use content filtering systems as part of this service at any time without notice. More information can be found in the terms of use.

Western Downs Regional Council is committed to the protection of your right to privacy. As evidence of this commitment, we have developed and implemented a Privacy Policy for our organisation.


Please note: these documents will be updated periodically, and links may not be accurate. For the most accurate information, please review the Terms Of Use available when accessing Public Wi-Fi