Draft Contract of Sale - Sale of Land for Overdue Rates 2024

On Display Indefinitely



Contract of Sale

[insert real property description and street address]

Western Downs Regional Council







  1. Item1Formation Date

7 November 2024



  1. Item2Seller





Western Downs Regional Council pursuant to Chapter 4 Part 12 Division 3 of the Local Government Regulation 2012

Address for Notices:



30 Marble Street

Dalby Qld4405


PO Box551

Dalby Qld4405








  1. Item3Buyer






Address for Notices:









  1. Item4Buyer’s Solicitors






Address for Notices:








  1. Item5Land







Real Property Description:


Title Reference:




Nature of Title


Local Government:

Western Downs Regional Council



  1. Item6Purchase Price





Full Price:


$ [insert] including GST





$ [insert] (being 10% of Full price)



Balance Purchase Price:


$ [insert]



  1. Item7Default Interest






The rate charged by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, at the relevant time, upon business overdrafts exceeding $100,000.00.

  1. Item8Completion






On or before 9 December 2024


Sellers Office

30 Marble Street




  1. General


    1. the context otherwise requires; or
    2. a contrary intention appears,

    this Agreement is to be interpreted by reference to the definitions and subsequent provisions of Part 2.

  2. Definitions

Each of the following expressions bears the meaning shown opposite:



  1. an omission; and
  2. a refusal to act.


  1. An Act of the Commonwealth Parliament or the Queensland Parliament.
  2. Subordinate legislation under any such Act.
  3. The direction or requirement of a competent authority or


person under any such Act or subordinate legislation.

  1. A licence, authorization, consent, approval or exemption granted under any such Act or subordinate legislation.
  2. A planning instrument and a local law.


Act of Insolvency

  1. Suffering the appointment of a receiver or a receiver and manager, which appointment is not terminated, postponed or enjoined within 14 days after it is made.
  1. Entering voluntary administration.
  1. Failing to satisfy a bankruptcy notice or a statutory demand under section 459E of the Corporations Act.
  1. Suffering the presentation of a bankruptcy petition.
  1. Suffering the presentation of a winding-up application or the appointment of a provisional liquidator.
  1. Signing an authority under section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act.
  1. Entering a composition or scheme of arrangement for the benefit of creditors.
  2. Where all available appeal rights have been exhausted or waived, failing:
    1. to pay the relevant debt (if the debt exceeds $5,000.00); or

    within 14 days after suffering execution against one's assets.

  3. Failing to secure the return of one's assets within 14 days after their lawful seizure by a creditor or an encumbrance.
  1. to satisfy the relevant order,


Address for Notices

With respect to each Participant:

  1. its address or facsimile number shown at whichever is relevant of Item2 to Item4.
  2. such other address or facsimile number as it has notified in writing to the Participant giving it a notice as its address or facsimile number for notices under this Agreement; or
  3. if it is not at the address or facsimile number the subject of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of this definition, its last principal place of business or facsimile number known to the Participant giving it a notice.


Administering Authority

The authority responsible for enforcing relevant provisions of an Act.



This document and the agreement it evidences.



An attestation upon this Agreement by a Party.


Balance Purchase Price

The sum specified as such at Item6 (being the difference between the Purchase Price and the Deposit).


Bankruptcy Act

Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cwlth).


Business Day

A day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, upon which banks are open for business in the locality:

  1. to which a notice under this Agreement is to be sent; or
  2. at which an event for which this Agreement provides is to occur. [Example of an event the subject of paragraph (2): Completion].



A clause, sub-clause or paragraph of this Agreement.



Completion of the Sale pursuant to Part 5.


Completion Date

The date specified at Item8.


Completion Venue

The place specified at Item8.


Corporations Act

Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


Default Rate

  1. The interest rate specified at Item7; or
  1. if no rate is specified at Item7, the interest rate the Seller's banker charges at the relevant time on customer overdraft accommodation exceeding $100,000.00.



The sum specified as such at Item6.



Includes any of the following that affects land—


  1. a mortgage, lien or charge;



  2. an agreement;



  3. an interest adverse to the interest of the land’s owner; but does not include an easement.
  1. a caveat;
  1. a judgment, writ or process;

For avoidance of doubt, the term does not include body corporate levies and charges levied pursuant to the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (Qld).


Formation Date

  1. The date upon which this Agreement is formed.
  2. That date is, in the absence of evidence establishing a different date, the date at Item1.



Comprise or encompass, without being limited to what is stated to be included.

[Example: "act" is defined as including an omission and a refusal to act. However, the expression is not confined to an omission and a refusal to do something; it also encompasses (obviously) a positive




A numbered item of information in Part 1.



The land described at Item5.


Land Title Act

Land Title Act 1994 (Qld).


Local Government

The local government of the territorial unit in which the Land is situated, specified at Item5.



  1. A director, alternate director, secretary, assistant secretary, executive officer, attorney, managing agent, or solicitor of or for a Party.
  2. The expression includes, with reference to the Seller, the manager of the Complex together with the manager's employees, contractors, and agents.



A numbered part or division of this Agreement, other than an Appendix or an Attestations page, containing:

  1. reference particulars; or
  2. 1 or more Clauses.



  1. The Seller.
  2. The Buyer and the Buyer's Solicitors.



The Seller and the Buyer.


Property Law Act

Property Law Act 1974 (Qld).


Purchase Price

The sum specified at Item6 as the "Full Price".



The person specified at Item 3.


Buyer’s Solicitors

The solicitors specified at Item4, or solicitors appointed to replace them.



Sale and purchase of the Land under this Agreement.



The person specified at Item2.


Seller’s Office

The Western Downs Regional Council’s Corporate Office at 30Marble Street, Dalby, Qld,4405.


Title Encumbrances

The easements, restrictive covenants and other encumbrances over the Land.



An instrument:

  1. in the form prescribed under the Land Title Act; and
  2. properly executed on behalf of the Seller,

transferring from the Seller to the Buyer title to the Land subject only to the Title Encumbrances.



  1. Grammatical Similarities

    Where a word or phrase is specifically defined, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase bear meanings corresponding to and consistent with that definition.

  2. Parties

    Reference to a Participant includes:

    1. in the case of a natural person, that person, his personal representatives and assigns; and
    2. in the case of a corporation, the corporation, its successors and assigns.
  3. Concurrent Responsibility

    Where a Participant is composed of two or more persons, the Agreement binds jointly and severally:

    1. those persons and each of them; and
    2. their and each of their executors, administrators and assigns (transferees).
  4. Warranty of Authority

    Each person signing the Agreement as an Officer, attorney or trustee, or in any other representative capacity, assures each other Party or signatory that he/she possesses unrestricted authority to execute the document in that capacity at the time of signing.

  5. Imputed Acts

    Reference (whether direct or indirect) to a person's act includes the act of another person, if the other person's act is deemed by law also to be the first-mentioned person's act because of the legal relationship between the two.1

  6. Miscellaneous References

    Reference to:

    1. the singular includes the plural, and vice versa;
    2. a gender includes each other gender;
    3. a person includes a corporation, a firm and a voluntary association;
    4. an Act includes an Act that amends, consolidates or replaces an Act;
    5. money is a reference to Australian dollars and cents;
    6. a time of day is a reference to Australian eastern standard time; and
    7. writing is a reference to reproduction of words, figures, symbols and shapes in visible form, including print, type, lithograph, facsimile and photocopy.

1 Example: The act of an employee, in the performance of that person’s duties as employee, is imputed to his/her employer; that is, it is deemed by law also to be the act of the employer.



  1. Headings and Notes

    Subject headings, footnotes, endnotes, and the table of contents:

    1. exist for convenience only; and
    2. are to be disregarded when interpreting the Agreement.
  2. Nature of Agreement

    This document is a Deed.

  3. Merger

    Any provision of this Agreement:

    1. to which effect is not given by Completion or by Registration of the Transfer; and
    2. capable of taking effect after Completion or Registration of the Transfer, will continue to be fully enforceable despite Completion or Registration.
  4. Severance


    1. any provision of the Agreement is void, voidable, illegal or unenforceable; or
    2. the Agreement would be void, voidable, illegal or unenforceable unless a particular provision were deleted from it,

      the provision will be deemed deleted from the Agreement.

  5. Governing Law

    The laws of Queensland govern the Agreement.

  6. Entirety of Agreement
    1. The Agreement details the entire bargain concluded between the Parties in relation to the Sale, irrespective of:
      1. any negotiations or discussions preceding execution of the Agreement; and
      2. the content of any brochure, report or other document produced by or on behalf of the Seller for potential Buyers of the Land.
    2. The Buyer acknowledges that it has not been induced to acquire the Land by any representation, verbal or other, made by or on behalf of the Seller but not detailed in the Agreement.


  1. Agreement to Sell and Purchase pursuant to the Local Government Regulation 2012

    The Seller undertakes to sell the Land to the Buyer, and the Buyer to buy the Land from the Seller, pursuant to Chapter 4, Part 12, Division 3 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.


  2. Land sold free of encumbrances

    Pursuant to section 145(4) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the Land is sold to the Buyer free of all encumbrances, other than an encumbrance that confers rights on a State or government entity.

  3. Land sold free of local government rates and charges

    The Land is sold free of all local government rates and charges accrued prior to the Completion date.

  4. Buyer Acknowledgement

    The Buyer acknowledges that, in entering this Agreement, it has not been guaranteed, warranted or otherwise assured by or on behalf of the Seller:

    1. That vacant possession of the Land will be provided at Completion;
    2. As to the condition, state of repair or suitability for any use of the Land;
    3. That the Land presently is being used in accordance with approvals (if any) granted by the Commonwealth, State or Local Governments, or by any semi-Government authority;
    4. That the improvements (if any) on Land have been constructed in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements of the State or Local Governments.
  5. Risk

    The Land is at the risk of the Buyer from noon on the Business Day following the Formation Date.

  6. Payment of overdue rates (discovered subsequent to Formation Date)
  1. If, at any time between the Formation Date and the Completion Date the Seller becomes aware that payment of the overdue rates burdening the Land was tendered prior to the Formation Date, then the Seller may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Buyer in which event all monies paid by way of deposit are refundable to the Buyer without deduction.
  2. For avoidance of doubt, if the Seller terminates this Agreement pursuant to this clause, such termination is not an event of default.


  1. Method of Payment

    The Buyer must pay any sum due to the Seller under this Agreement:

    1. in legal tender; or
    2. by cheque dated on or before the date of delivery, issued by a Licensed Bank conducting business within Queensland; or
    3. electronic funds transfer.
  2. Payment of Deposit
    1. The Buyer must pay the Deposit immediately upon execution of this Agreement.
    2. The Deposit is to be paid to the Seller at the Seller’s Office.


    3. If it fails to pay the Deposit as required by this clause, the Buyer commits a fundamental breach of this Agreement and the Seller may affirm or terminate the Agreement.
  3. Balance Purchase Price

    The Buyer must pay to the Seller on the Completion Date the Balance Purchase Price.

  4. Interest on Late Payments
  1. If the Deposit or any other money payable under this Agreement is not paid when due, the Buyer must pay interest on the overdue money from the due date for payment to the date of payment (both inclusive).
  2. A judgment for money payable under this Agreement also will bear interest from the date of judgment to the date of payment (both inclusive).
  3. Interest:
    1. is to be calculated on daily balances at the Default Rate; and
    2. paid upon Completion.


  1. Time and Place for Completion
    1. Completion is to be effected:
      1. on the Completion Date;
      2. at the Completion Venue;
      3. at the time agreed by the parties (agreement to be reached not later than 5.00pm on the day before the Completion Date);
      4. between the hours of 11.00am and 5.00pm.
    2. Irrespective of any other provision in this Agreement, if the Completion Date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Brisbane, Completion is to be effected on the Business Day next following the Completion Date.
  2. Facilitating Completion (Seller's Obligation)

    Subject to the Buyer discharging its obligations under the Agreement, the Seller must do whatever the Buyer reasonably requires of it to ensure that:

    1. the Sale is completed; and
    2. the Buyer obtains valid title to the Land.
  3. Preparation and Delivery of Transfer Documents

    The Seller must:

    1. prepare the Transfer and related documents at its own expense; and
    2. deliver them to the Buyer at Completion.
  4. Registration of Transfer

    After Completion, the Buyer must:

    1. ensure that the Transfer is lodged promptly for Registration;
    2. pursue Registration of the Transfer diligently, to ensure in turn that the change in ownership of the Land can be:
      1. notified by the Registration Authority to the Local Government; and
      2. recorded upon the Local Government's land record, at the earliest possible time (allowing for normal administrative uncertainties and protraction).
  5. Further Assurances

    Each Party must do everything lawfully or reasonably required of it by the other Party to:

    1. give effect to the provisions, and achieve the intent, of this Agreement; and
    2. preserve and promote the entitlements of the other Party under the Agreement, before and after Completion.


  1. Errors and Misdescriptions
    1. The Seller believes the Land to be, and the Buyer accepts the Land as, correctly described in this Agreement.
    2. No error, omission or misdescription in:
      1. Item 5
      2. the boundaries or area of the Land,

      will invalidate this Agreement or entitle the Buyer to claim compensation.

  2. Survey and Inspection
    1. The Buyer acknowledges that no inspections of the Land was possible prior to the Formation Date.
    2. The Seller gives no assurance that the surveyed area of the Land is correct.
    3. The Seller also gives no assurance that there is no encroachment:
      1. by the Land onto adjoining land; or
      2. by any structure on adjoining land onto the Land,

        and the Buyer may not:

      3. make any objection or claim; or
      4. delay completion,

    because of any inaccuracy or misdescription (whether material or not) in the details of the Land contained in this Agreement.

    1. The Sale is subject to any encroachment from or upon the Land.


  1. Events of Default

    A Party will be in default under the Agreement if:

    1. it fails to discharge an obligation the Agreement imposes upon it; or
    2. it commits or suffers the occurrence of an Act of Insolvency.
  2. Termination for Insolvency
    1. If the Buyer commits an Act of Insolvency before Completion, the Seller may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Buyer.
    2. The Seller's entitlement to terminate under this clause extends to an Act of Insolvency committed by the Buyer before the formation of this Agreement.
  3. Seller's Remedies
    1. If the Buyer defaults under the Agreement, in addition to any other entitlement it may possess at law or in equity with respect to the default the Seller may affirm or terminate the Agreement.
    2. If it affirms the Agreement, the Seller may:
      1. sue the Buyer for specific performance;
      2. sue the Buyer for damages for breach; or
      3. sue the Buyer for specific performance and damages for breach,

      and may recover from the Buyer as a liquidated debt so much of the Deposit as the Buyer has failed to pay.

    3. If it terminates the Agreement under this Part, the Seller may:
      1. declare forfeited any Deposit paid;
      2. sue the Buyer for damages for breach; or
      3. declare forfeited any Deposit paid and sue the Buyer for damages for breach.


  1. Time

    Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, time is of the essence of the Agreement in every respect.

  2. Waiver


    1. a failure, delay or indulgence, committed, caused or granted in exercising a power or entitlement in relation to this Agreement; nor
  3. Service of Notices

    A notice under this Agreement:

    1. must be given in writing; and
  4. Receipt of Notices
    1. A notice delivered personally will be deemed received at the moment of personal delivery.
  5. Legal Costs
    1. Each party must bear its own legal expenses in relation to the negotiation, preparation, stamping and execution of this Agreement.
      1. The Buyer, however, must bear, and indemnify the Seller against, all stamp duty assessed upon the Agreement and the Transfer, including any penalty duty the assessment of which is precipitated by an act of the Buyer.
  6. Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001 (Qld)
  1. a single or partial exercise, or a single or partial failure to exercise, such a power or entitlement, will operate to waive the power or entitlement, or to preclude its exercise or further exercise.
  1. may be delivered personally, posted, or transmitted by facsimile, to the intended recipient's Address for Notices.
  1. A notice sent by registered post will be deemed received 2 Business Days after it is posted.
  2. A notice sent by facsimile transmission will be deemed received at the time specified in a Confirmation Report, if the report discloses that the transmission was received before 5.00pm.
  3. If the Confirmation Report discloses that the transmission was received after 5.00pm, the notice will be deemed received at 8.30am on the day following the date of receipt disclosed in the report.
  4. The Buyer also must pay the cost of Registering the Transfer.
  1. The Buyer and the Seller consent, for the purposes of the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001 (Qld), to the exchange of documents electronically and the execution of documents electronically.


[Attestations follow]






EXECUTED and DELIVERED on behalf of WESTERN DOWNS REGIONAL COUNCIL ABN 91232587651 pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 (Qld) section 236, by an authorised officer, who certifies he is the proper officer to execute the Agreement:


Authorised Officer Signature

Full name [Print]





EXECUTED and DELIVERED by in the presence of a witness:






Full name [Print]


EXECUTED by [insert company name & ACN] pursuant to section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)


Director / Secretary _____________________Director Secretary_____________________________






Full name: __________________________________Full name: __________________________________