Water strategy to offer certainty for economic growth
Published on 19 February 2021
The region’s water security will be bolstered with Western Downs Regional Council embarking on a multi-million-dollar strategy to increase water supply to residents.
Council this week voted to inject $16 million over five years as part of a strategy to increase Dalby’s town water supply which would aim to create an additional 2.2 megalitres of water for the town per day.
Western Downs Regional Council Mayor Paul McVeigh said it was vital Council continued to responsibly manage water supply and ensure residents, landholders and businesses had access to quality essential services.
“Water security is a huge challenge being faced by many rural and regional communities and this water strategy is about assessing and addressing the immediate and future needs of the region,” Cr McVeigh said.
“Dalby’s town water supply is heavily dependent on groundwater extracted from the Condamine Alluvium due to the low reliability of surface water from the Loudoun Weir.
“While Council has implemented a range of measures to improve water supply over recent years, ongoing strain caused by drought and overuse has prompted Council to consider the long-term sustainability of water supply to our growing region.
“The Western Down is experiencing fantastic growth across a range of industries and it’s vital Council ensures our growing population has access to the essential services required to live and work.
“The job is far from over however, and I am continuing to work with neighbouring Councils as part of the Downs and Border Council Water Alliance to define a clear vision for the region’s water needs.”
Council Spokesperson for Utilities Councillor Peter Saxelby said the strategy would feature a range of upgrade works over five years.
“The multi-stage program will increase water supply by delivering new and expanded water infrastructure including utilising the Great Artesian Basin and designing and constructing new Hutton and Precipice bores, expanded evaporation ponds, and treatment facilities,” Cr Saxelby said.
The plan also includes the development and construction of a low-level reservoir which will increase storage capacity for population growth.”
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