Unsung achievers recognised across the region
Published on 14 January 2021
The region’s most outstanding citizens have been named as part of Western Downs Regional Council’s Australia Day Awards 2021.
Forty-nine nominations were received from all corners of the region, with 12 individuals and five groups receiving awards across six categories including Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Local Volunteer of the Year, Local Sports Award, Local Community Organisation Achievement Award, and Local Creative Arts Award.
Mayor Paul McVeigh said it was phenomenal to recognise the outstanding people in the community.
“Our Australia Day Awards are our most prestigious accolades given to the residents who have gone above and beyond through the year,” Cr McVeigh said.
“The past year has been particularly challenging for everyone, and it is incredible to see so many amazing people continue to serve our great community and excel in a range of areas.
“Our local awards are designed to celebrate the unsung achievers in our towns who are the lifeblood of our local communities and have made great contributions to our various community, sporting, and creative offerings.
“Each winner has a fascinating story to tell, and it’s important we recognise their outstanding achievements.
“It truly demonstrates the spirit of the Western Downs community and it’s an absolute honour to recognise those individuals and groups who have strived to make our region a better place to live and work in the past 12 months.”
Eleven-year-old Addison Clay was named the Local Sports Award Winner for Tara and District and has been recognised for her bravery and determination in gaining various sporting achievements all while battling stage four cancer.
Addison said she was excited when she found out she had won the Sports Award for her district.
“I have had so many people supporting me in the past year and it’s important to show other kids that you should just go for your dreams, try hard and don’t be scared,” Miss Clay said.
“I really want to make the Queensland Softball Team this year and I am excited to keep training and working towards my goal.”
Regional Australia Day Awards 2021
- Citizen of the Year – Marilyn Bidstrup
- Young Citizen of the Year – Karsten Duvel
Local Australia Day Awards 2021 Recipients
Local Volunteer of the Year
- Dalby and District– Cecil Woods
- Jandowae and District– Donna Woollett
- Miles and District– Edward Gibbons
- Tara and District– Linda Steinohrt
- Wandoan and District– Dinah Fraser
Local Sports Award
- Chinchilla and District – Breanna Collins
- Dalby and District – Mitchell Hemmings
- Miles and District – Lachlan Moore
- Tara and District – Addison Clay
- Wandoan and District – Elli Zillman
Local Community Organisation Achievement Award
- Chinchilla and District – Chinchilla Netball Inc.
- Jandowae and District– Jandowae Squash Club
- Miles and District– Dogwood Motor Auto Group – Miles Motoring Enthusiast Club (DMAG-MMEC)
- Tara and District– Tara Futures Group Inc.
Local Creative Arts Award
- Jandowae and District – Bell Theatre Group Inc.
Residents are encouraged to attend their local Australia Day celebrations where the recipients will be officially presented with their Awards, with plenty of family fun and entertainment also on offer for everyone to get involved.
For more information contact Council on 1300 268 624 or visit www.wdrc.qld.gov.au
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