Renowned international art on display in the Western Downs
Published on 04 July 2022
Art-lovers in the Western Downs can experience a taste of international art in their backyard as works from Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art's (QAGOMA) exhibition 'Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art' visit Miles and Wandoan this July.
Highlights from the exhibition's 30-year history, which has drawn more than three million visitors to the state's premier gallery, will be featured in exhibitions called 'Asia Pacific Contemporary: Three Decades of APT' at Dogwood Crossing, Miles and 'Asia Pacific Video' at the Leichhardt Art Gallery, Wandoan.
Spokesperson for Community and Cultural Development Councillor Kaye Maguire said she is thrilled to view the upcoming exhibitions.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for Western Downs residents to experience exhibitions featuring international artists and cutting-edge contemporary art," she said.
"These exhibitions include everything from painting, sculpture and works on paper to performance and short film from artists across the Asia Pacific. There's something to attract, mesmerise and inspire every discerning art fan or casual observer.
"Our strong local arts culture is a considerable part of the active vibrant community on the Western Downs, and to bring exhibitions of this calibre to the region is proof that we are recognised as leaders in this space.
"I'd encourage residents to attend one of the free opening events in Miles or Wandoan to experience the significance of these works first-hand.”
In a win for the region's young creatives, artwork from Miles State High School students will also be on display during the exhibition.
"We're proud to also be exhibiting the 'Miles High Showcase' on the Curved Wall, alongside the major Asia Pacific Triennial exhibition at Dogwood Crossing. It's an exciting and diverse collection of artworks created by the Visual Arts and Humanities students," Councillor Maguire said.
"It's great exposure for our young artists and a chance for them to see where their arts practice can take them. You never know, in the future, we could have a Western Downs artist on display in a touring QAGOMA exhibition!"
'Asia Pacific Contemporary: Three Decades of APT' and 'Asia Pacific Video' are on tour until August and September respectively. Registrations for the opening events are online at Both exhibitions are free to view.
For more information contact Council on 1300 268 624 (COUNCIL) or visit
Asia Pacific Contemporary: Three Decades of APT
Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Touring Exhibition
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery at Dogwood Crossing, Miles
Exhibition Opening Event on Friday 8 July 2022, 6.30–8.30pm
On show from 9 July to 20 August 2022
Asia Pacific Video
Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Touring Exhibition
Leichhardt Art Gallery at the Wandoan Cultural Centre, Wandoan
Exhibition Opening Event on Saturday 9 July 2022, 6.30—8.30pm
On show from 6 July to 2 September 2022
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