New Bell transfer station to boost sustainability

Published on 05 October 2021

Bell Transfer Station.jpg

A new transfer station has been delivered at Bell to improve facilities for the local community and enhance environmental outcomes for the region.

The new transfer station replaces the former landfill and was delivered in partnership with the State Government’s Local Government Levy Ready Grant Program.

Western Downs Regional Council Spokesperson for Planning, Environment and Agribusiness Councillor Andrew Smith said the improvements would deliver quality services to residents.

“Council has worked with local contractors Brandon & Associates and Taylor Quality Constructions to convert the former landfill site into a transfer station,” Cr Smith said.

“This change has delivered a favourable outcome for ratepayers because it has removed the need for additional costs required under new State Waste Levy legislation, while improving environmental outcomes in Bell.

“Residents will now enjoy a more convenient experience on site, with an easier process for dropping off recycling on site as well.

“Council is committed to providing residents with modern infrastructure and quality essential services, while proactively planning for the future.”

To find out more contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL or visit

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