Council community and aged care services increase safety precautions

Published on 20 April 2020

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Western Downs Regional Council has increased safety measures at its residential aged care facilities and community care services in accordance with requirements outlined by the State and Federal Governmentsamidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Following announcements by the Prime Minister, several additional precautions have been implemented at Council’s aged care facilities (Carinya Aged Care Facility, Miles and Tarcoola Aged Care Facility, Tara), as well as community care services to ensure residents are safe and comfortable during these unprecedented times.

Mayor Paul McVeigh said it was vital aged care residents are cared for and protected while ensuring they still feel connected and safe. 

“Council’s top priority is to protect the safety of our communities so we’re adhering to official health advice and doing everything we can to ensure our residents have the safest care possible throughout this health emergency,” Cr McVeigh said.  

“Additional precautions include limiting visitor numbers and visiting times and ensuring staff, visitors and clients are complying with the frequent handwashing, sanitising, social distancing and cleaning procedures that are now in place.  

“Staff are also working with clients to ensure they are kept up to date with the latest health information from the State and Federal Governments and strict conditions of entry are in place to protect the safety of residents.  

“As part of these conditions, from 1 May, 2020, anyone wishing to attend our aged care facilities must have had a flu vaccination. This includes visiting family members, staff and contractors and is a necessary step in ensuring the safety of our aged care residents.”  

Cr McVeigh said health services staff were also working hard to ensure residents could remain connected and part of the community by implementing new social activities.  

“While there are restrictions in place, we’re ensuring our residents remain connected to their family and friends by supporting residents to communicate by other means such as phone calls, video chats and letter writing,” he said.  

“Staff are also introducing innovative activities such as hallway bingo to help keep everyone connected.  

“Our compassionate staff are also working one on one with community care clients across the region to do their shopping so they’re able to limit their exposure and stay safe at home. 

“I strongly advise everyone to think about our elderly and most vulnerable residents at this time and self-isolate to ensure we all play our part in flattening the curve to stop the spread of the virus and save lives. 

“I also remind the community to be patient and considerate towards our health care workers, who are doing vital work in protecting and caring for our community during this time.” 

For more information and the latest updates on Council’s actions against COVID-19 visit  

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