Council backs community groups
Published on 28 April 2020
Sporting and not-for-profit community groups will receive a major leg up as part of Western Downs Regional Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Package designed to stimulate the economy and support the region.
• $1 million Community Infrastructure Grants Program designed to fund infrastructure or capital works projects for not-for-profit community and sporting organisations. Applications for up to $200,000 per application under a 50/50 funding arrangement with Council
• $300,000 Community Hardship & Assistance Grants Program to provide ‘quick response’ financial assistance to eligible community organisations that are experiencing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19
Council today endorsed the proposed recovery package which includes a $1.3 million funding program to support local community and sporting groups through these unprecedented times.
Council Spokesperson for Community and Cultural Development Councillor Kaye Maguire said the funding would offer financial support via two grants programs to help groups manage financial strain and deliver important community infrastructure.
“Our local sporting and not-for-profit groups are the lifeblood of our communities and Council is committed to doing all it can to ensure these groups can make it through this unprecedented crisis and continue providing an important service to residents,” Cr Maguire said.
“Council has allocated $1 million to deliver a Local Community, Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Grants Program to support groups seeking to improve their facilities and services to the community.
“This is designed to encourage our sporting and community groups to improve their infrastructure and overall service to the community while generating local jobs through construction.
“Eligible groups are able to apply for a grant of up to $200,000 as part of a 50/50 funding partnership with Council to upgrade or build new facilities or associated infrastructure.
“Applications open on 1 June, 2020 and close on 30 September, 2020 with all projects required to be completed by the end of 2021.
“Council has also allocated $300,000 to deliver a Community Organisation Hardship and Assistance Grants Program which would provide financial assistance to groups significantly impacted by the crisis.
“Our not-for-profit groups enhance the liveability of our region and are a core part of our community fabric and it’s vital their work is able to continue throughout this period and beyond.
“Eligible groups will be able to apply for financial grants of up to $10,000 with applications opening on 1 June, 2020.
“This Program will be open for applications for 12 months, and to provide certainty, Council will notify applicants of the outcome within 10 business days of having received a completed application.
“This is about backing our grassroots organisations and giving them the support they need to continue contributing to our active, vibrant communities.”
For more information about Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Package, visit the website via