Applications open for new round of E-Commerce Business Support Program
Published on 03 February 2022
Western Downs Regional Council has launched a new round of free digital support sessions designed to help businesses emerge from the current health crisis and increase their online presence.
As part of Western Downs Regional Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Package, Council is delivering one-on-one consultations in partnership with Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS), Digital Solutions Queensland and local Chambers of Commerce.
Mayor Paul McVeigh said the sessions offered expert coaching to support business and promote the importance of digital innovation for local traders.
“Our local businesses are the backbone of our community and it’s vital we do all we can to help them move through this health crisis and recover,” Cr McVeigh said.
“Last year Council delivered it’s hugely popular Enabling E-Commerce webinars, which coached businesses through a range of tools and tips to increase their digital presence and ultimately increase their revenue.
“To continue supporting our businesses, we are offering a new round of these sessions, only this time they will be delivered one on one by the digital experts.
“These sessions will cover several topics including digital marketing, website design, e-commerce and branding, and business have until 21 February to register for this latest round.”
Businesses are encouraged to register by 21 February 2021 via Council’s ‘For Business’ page under the COVID-19 Recovery Package website:
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