Council Communications

Keep up to date with what's happening on the Western Downs by subscribing and following Council's communication channels.

Council's Monthly eNews

Council’s free eNews email newsletter is distributed each month to subscribers, to keep you informed with the latest stories from Council including upcoming local events, adorable pound pets, tourism location snapshots, business initiatives, job vacancies and more!

Click here to subscribe 

Social Media 

Western Downs Regional Council manages a number of social media channels:

Social media is a great tool for sharing important information and we understand many members of the community use this platform to stay connected. We encourage discussion and the sharing of opinions with others and with Council via our social media accounts.

Community Guidelines - Council Social Media Pages

Social media is a great tool for sharing important information and we understand many members of the community use this platform to stay connected. We encourage discussion and the sharing of opinions with others and with Council via our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter).  

In order to ensure our pages are welcoming and friendly for everyone to use, we do moderate where needed. We ask that when contributing your views to Council’s social media pages and associated groups and events, you ensure that you:

  • do not post defamatory comments towards any other individual or business
  • do not harass, abuse or threaten any individual, business or Council employee
  • do not post anything that may offend others, particularly in reference to an individual’s race, age, gender, sexuality, political leaning, religion, employment, or disability
  • do not use obscene or offensive language
  • do not post false or misleading information
  • do not promote anything that may constitute spam, such as commercial interests, solicitations, advertisements or endorsements
  • do not share private or personal information of yourself or anyone else, including email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses as comments on publicly available posts

If you don’t adhere to the above, we will moderate, hide and potentially remove your comment. All moderation will be done at Council and the platform’s discretion and can be applied to any post, comment, or interaction that is deemed to be non-compliant with the above or the intent of our community guidelines.

We want our community to feel welcome and safe on Council's social media pages and we welcome your comments and feedback.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out online via our website, via our social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn, or phone Council on 1300 268 624.