A public interest disclosure (PID) is a disclosure about wrongdoing in the public sector that serves the public interest. For an allegation to be considered a public interest disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (the PID Act) it must be:
- public interest information about serious wrongdoing or danger; and
- an appropriate disclosure; and
- made to a proper authority.
Members of the public can make a PID regarding:
- A substantial and specific danger to public health and safety of a person with a disability;
- A contravention of environmental law which is a substantial and specific danger to the environment; and
- A reprisal.
Western Downs Regional Council has adopted a Public Interest Disclosure – Council Policy and Public Interest Disclosure Procedure .
How do I make a PID?
A PID can be reported to any “proper authority”, for example:
- The Mayor, CEO, or PID Coordinator of Western Downs Regional Council
- Crime & Corruption Commission
- Queensland Ombudsman’s office
To identify if Western Downs Regional Council is the proper authority to make your report to, you should consider who and what the report is about. Western Downs Regional Council would be authorised to receive a PID where:-
- The disclosure is about the conduct of Council or its employees; or
- Council is responsible for investigating the particular issue/s.
To make your PID –
- In writing – Mark ‘Private and Confidential’ to PID Coordinator, Western Downs Regional Council, PO Box 551, Dalby Qld 4405
- In writing via email – to PIDCoordinator@wdrc.qld.gov.au
- By phone – asking to speak to the Customer Support and Governance Manager (PID Coordinator) – Ph 1300 268 624
The PID Coordinator will assess your disclosure, and if it does not fit the criteria of a PID, it will be dealt with under the appropriate complaints management process.
What if I want to make an anonymous PID?
You can make an anonymous PID. Remaining anonymous means you do not identify yourself as the discloser at any stage to anyone. However, anonymous PIDs are often more difficult to investigate. Council strongly encourages disclosers to identify themselves if possible.
If you do identify yourself to the person who receives your PID, Council shall make every effort to keep your identity confidential. Remember that Council will not be able to inform you of any action it takes if you remain anonymous.
What are my responsibilities as a discloser?
When making a PID, you have a responsibility to:
- Provide honest and accurate information – deliberately providing false or misleading information is an offence;
- Provide all information currently in your possession – you must not seek to investigate the matter yourself; and
- Make the disclosure to someone you reasonably believe is the proper authority to receive the disclosure.
Where do I get more information?
Contact the Customer Support and Governance Manager within Council’s Governance Branch for more information.
The Queensland Ombudsman website provides fact sheets and information guidelines regarding PID’s and your rights and responsibilities.