Build Nathan Dam

Western Downs Regional Council advocates for a long term domestic and industrial water supply for our region.  

An expanded and reliable water supply is required to improve and sustain the liveability of the region. This long-term water supply is of vital importance to drive economic growth and further support our communities during prolonged periods of drought.



A reliable and long-term water supply is of vital importance to improve and sustain the liveability of the Western Downs and meet the growing demands of industry, population and climate change. 

The Issue

Whilst the current supply is fully allocated and at risk, demand for water in the region is growing due to forecast industry and population growth. The single limiting factor for rapid industry development in the Western Downs is a long-term reliable water source.

Desired Outcome

The Nathan Dam and Pipelines Project is currently the only potential infrastructure solution that will transfer bulk water into the Southern and Darling Downs region. 

Proposed to be built on the Dawson River near Taroom, with associated pipelines taking water through the Surat Basin and as far as Warra, the Nathan Dam and Pipelines Project would increase climate change resilience, accommodate significant population increases, as well as enable industry diversification and developments that are currently on hold due to limited water capacity. 
It would be ideal for State and Federal Governments to undertake a renewed feasibility study of The Nathan Dam and Pipeline Project in order to revise the original business case to align with the Queensland Jobs and Energy Plan
Expanding the current national development assessment framework would give opportunity for larger, longer-term projects to be conducted to result in long-term water supply solutions.