Councillor Greg Olm



Portfolio - Works and Technical Services (Civil Works, Fleets, Quarries, Asset Management, and Design)

Councillor Greg Olm returns to Council with 16 years of Local Government experience having served eight years as a member of the former Chinchilla Shire Council and a further eight years for the Western Downs Regional Council.

Having previously championed the Works portfolio from Council during his earlier tenure, Cr Olm has travelled the length and breadth of the region to inspect roads and bridges and shows the same dedication to overseeing the region's fleets, quarries and civil works assets.

Cr Olm is a lifelong resident of the Brigalow and Chinchilla area and has operated a small farming and grazing business since 1982. He was also employed for 33 years in the grain industry. Cr Olm has a wonderful appetite for rural community events and is heavily involved in the staging of the annual Brigalow Charity Bush Carnival.