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Community Grant Writing Workshops

Delivered by WDRC in partnership with Community Grants Writer, Kate Bradley.

Community Grant Writing Workshops are aimed at supporting and building the capacity of our community groups to enable them to have the best possible chance to secure grants and funding. Get started with grants and learn how to write strong applications with the digital workshop videos provided below. 

This service is delivered by WDRC in partnership with Kate Bradley, Community Grants Writer as part of the Community Grants Writer service funded by Shell’s QGC business and delivered through the Murilla Community Centre.


Introduction with Lavinia Tyrell

Introduction with Kate Bradley

Grants and Funding Guidelines

Writing a Project of Event Plan


Valuable Attachments

You have secured a what?

Extra Information on where to find grants

What are they really asking?

What do they want to achieve?

Data is important

Measuring your success

Business Planning


For more information regarding Western Downs Regional Council's workshops, grants or funding call 1300 COUNCIL ( 1300 268 624).