CCCI - Chinchilla Community Sign On Day

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Early February of 2023 saw Chinchilla Community Commerce and Industry Inc. (CCCI) host the Chinchilla Community Sign On Day. The event supported 24 local organisations, such as sporting groups, not-for-profits, hobby groups, and more, with a platform to showcase what they have to offer to potential new members or volunteers.  

Western Downs Regional Council assisted with the funding towards the event as part of the Community Activation Program. The program provides assistance to community, sport, and recreation organisations to make a positive contribution to communities through capacity building, encouraging partnerships, long-term planning, good governance and self-sufficiency and volunteer program development. 

Overall, the entertainment and information stalls successfully attracted 60 sign ups or enquires among the clubs and groups. 

Western Downs Regional Council would like to congratulate Chinchilla Community Commerce and Industry Inc. on their Chinchilla Community Sign On Day, which assisted in the promotion and support of numerous local organisations. 

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The Community Activation Program offers assistance to community, sport and recreation organisations to make a positive contribution to active, vibrant communities in the Western Downs through capacity building, encouraging partnerships, long-term planning, good governance and self-sufficiency.