First Nations People
'Welcome to Country' and 'Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners' protocols
In recent years, government departments and agencies, as well as private and public organisations, have put in place protocols that recognise and pay due respect to the original inhabitants of Australia.
This has occurred within the national context of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
There are two protocols that are in widespread use:
Welcome to Country Protocol
A direct descendant of the original Indigenous inhabitants, usually an Elder, welcomes visitors to his/her traditional lands ('country').
A Welcome to Country, also known as the Traditional Welcome, allows the traditional custodians of the region to give their blessing for the event to take place on their land. It must be done by a representative of the traditional custodians of the location at which the event is taking place.
Council supports the practice of procuring 'Welcome to Country' from and acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the Western Downs: the Barunggam to the west of Dalby, the Iman (Yiman) around the Wandoan area, the Bigambul around the Tara area, and the Wakka Wakka and Jarowair around the Bunya Mountains area.
Acknowledgement Protocol
Used by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous speakers to pay due respect to the traditional Indigenous inhabitants.
An Indigenous Acknowledgement is part of, and should precede, any acknowledgement of VIPs and special guests at civic occasions, functions and public events.
Suggested wording:
"I respectfully acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, and pay my respect to their elders past and present, and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples here today."
Map of Indigenous Australia
Recognising dates of significance to First Nations peoples
Council recognises annual dates of significance to First Nations peoples. Visit Queensland Government's list of culturally important dates that celebrate or recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture. Find out more about culturally important dates below:
Culturally Important Dates

Sharlene Smith | Bunya mountain (detail) 2020 | 600mm x 760mm