Aquatic Centres FAQs
Following a competitive tender process, the Western Downs Regional Council has appointed Belgravia Leisure (BL) as the new operators of our two year-round, and four seasonal Aquatic and Leisure facilities commencing as listed below.
• Dalby and Chinchilla
Tentative handover 1/07/25, BL commence 1/07/25
• Jandowae, Miles, Tara and Wandoan Aquatic Leisure Centres
Tentative handover 1/07/25, BL commence 1/07/25 (opening September)
What does the transition mean for access to our facilities?
In the interim, it will remain business as usual. On the transition date for each facility (as listed above) Belgravia Leisure will open the doors and welcome members and patrons. It is expected that venues will close early the day prior to assist the transition. This will be confirmed and communicated closer to the date.
Do I need a new membership card?
Belgravia Leisure plan to use the same membership access system currently used by the LSA. Members can continue to use the card or wrist band issued. If you have any access issues after the transition, please see customer service to rectify.
Do I need to sign a new contract and what will happen to my direct debit payments?
Belgravia Leisure is currently working with the LSA and Western Downs Regional Council to ensure that continuing with your membership and/or accessing classes will be as easy as possible. More information relating to this process will be available soon.
WDRC, LSA and BL will negotiate to ensure no customer is out of pocket within this transition period.
What will happen if I have a paid in full/upfront membership or multi visit pass?
Any paid in full/upfront memberships and multi visit passes will be honoured as per the conditions and expiry dates.
Will there be a member app?
Shortly after transition there will be a member app which will be implemented. More information about this will be communicated at a later date. In the app, members will be able to:
- Manage account details
- Update payment details
- Check for next payment
- Buy a new membership
- Buy a visit pass
- Scan in using a digital access card
- Book into Group Fitness Classes
- View upcoming classes
- Advise us of swimming lesson non-attendance and book make-up lessons
- Track swimming lesson learning pathways and progression
- Send and receive messages to the Centre staff
Will the group fitness timetable change?
In Aquatic Facilities that cater for group fitness, the group fitness timetable will continue as per normal. Belgravia Leisure will work closely with instructors to ensure the group fitness timetable caters for member’s needs, including arranging new instructors should any of the existing instructors seek alternative arrangements.
Will there be a fee increase upon transition?
The pool entry prices will have a slight increase as they do every year, this is a WDRC responsibility. The Learn to Swim, Squad and some other fees will be negotiated between WDRC and Belgravia Leisure.
Will the opening hours change?
The opening hours will remain the same.
Will the website change?
Yes, new websites will be available from the transition date. The new website URLs for the Centre’s will be available once Belgravia Leisure commences operations.
What happens to the staff currently working at the Centre?
The Western Downs Regional Council, LSA and Belgravia Leisure will work closely together during the transition period to ensure staff are kept fully informed to enable staff to continue their employment, where possible, at each of the venues, under the management of Belgravia Leisure, or at an alternate LSA facility, dependent on the preferences of individual staff members.
Will the swim classes change?
All swim classes will continue as normal, with swim classes to be conducted, where possible, with the same teacher if they have decided to continue their employment. It is Belgravia Leisure’s intention that consistency and continuity be maintained as much as possible during the transition period.
Will the swim levels and program change?
The Swimming Lesson program will continue; however, Belgravia Leisure will introduce the GOswim program powered by Swimming Australia. As a parent you will not notice any major changes, apart from the names of the various levels and the issuing of medals rather than certificates. All previous achievements will be recognised and converted to the GOswim program. GOswim provides a broad, balanced program of swimming and water safety skills in preparation for a lifetime of safe activity in, on or near the water. Booklets outlining the progress through the levels and a display will be available after Belgravia Leisure commence operations.
What will be the tool used for swim lesson progression feedback and program communication?
Progression feedback will be provided to you via the member app which will be implemented shortly after transition.
Using the app via a phone, will allow;
- Receive instant progression feedback, as a child completes skills and levels
- Receive awards related to level completion, skill completion or other important milestones
- Track skills and progression to date and what else needs to be done to keep achieving
- View photos of your children participating which can also be shared with loved ones
- See a live schedule of student classes that is individual to the parents’ profile
- View relevant activities that parents can undertake with students in their own time to help increase skill progressions
- Manage a profile for themselves and their children
- Manage billing details
- View payment history
- Use the Messenger function (direct message) to communicate any program needs directly to the Aquatics Team
What happens with Personal training sessions and/or the instructor?
Personal trainers will continue as normal if they decide to continue their employment and will continue to offer personal training sessions as per normal. Personal trainers will contact clients to advise of any changes to personal training sessions
Will there be a School Holiday Program in the Summer school holidays?
More information about the GOswim Program and Summer Holiday Swimming program will be shared in the coming weeks.
I have an event/program booked at the Venues after the transition date, will this booking still be honoured?
Yes, all existing bookings will be honoured.