Small Business Friendly Council
Small businesses play an important role in our region. As a Small Business Friendly Program member, Western Downs Regional Council makes the following commitments to our local small businesses -
Communicate and Engage

- Work closely with Chambers of Commerce in Chinchilla, Dalby, Jandowae, Miles, Tara and Wandoan, and attend regular chamber meetings.
- Send weekly emails to Chambers, and monthly Business in Western Downs enewsletter to subscribers, sharing grants, events, resources and other opportunities.
- Economic Development team responds to all enquiries and provides advice for new businesses, small businesses and developer.
Resilience and Recovery
Promoted financial grants and support services available for people affected by disaster events.
- Received funding to deliver the Disaster Resilience Project, commencing in FY 2024-25, with workshops and one-on-one support provided to small businesses in the region.
Reduce Red Tape
- Economic Development team act as a single point of contact between businesses and Council, and can liaise with relevant departments.

- New streamlined development assessment approval process under the Planning Act, with development assessments being completed within 13.5 days.
- WDRC procurement policy allows for payment of invoices by credit card, enabling prompt payment.
- Council maintains a maximum 30-day payment term, which is often achieved in 7-14 days.
The Small Business Friendly Program was established to create practical improvements in the way Queensland councils interact with and support the small businesses in their area. Learn more about the program by visiting the Small Business Friendly website.
View the signed charter(PDF, 114KB) of our commitments.
For more detailed information about our goals and achievements view the annual report documents below.
Western Downs Regional Council SBF Annual Report 2023-24(PDF, 207KB)
SBF Showcase - Business in Western Downs enewsletter(PDF, 188KB)
SBF Showcase - Disaster Recovery after Tara Bushfires(PDF, 562KB)