Panel Arrangements
A panel arrangement is a way to procure goods or services regularly acquired by entities. In a panel arrangement, suppliers have been appointed to supply goods or services for a set period of time under agreed terms and conditions, including agreed pricing.
Council procures large volumes of goods, services and works through Panel Arrangements, which include the following categories:
- Engineering & Associated Services
- Plant & Equipment Hire
- Traffic Control Services
- Trade Services, including:
- Electrical, Data Cabling, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration trades
- Plumbing trades
- Landscaping, Gardening & Arboriculture
- Yellow & White Fleet servicing trades
- Plant & Fleet Procurement, including:
- Transport Plant & Equipment
- Earthmoving Plant & Equipment
- White Fleet
- Chemical Supplies
- Road Construction Services, including:
- Civil Construction
- Road Stabilisation
- Bitumen & Asphalt
Council has significant interest in streamlining procurement through self-managed Panel Arrangements, meaning engagement with business and industry efficiently and effectively.
Important Update
Unfortunately, some of Council's Panel Arrangements are currently oversubscribed and we are focusing on encouraging local businesses within the Western Downs region (as defined under Section 6 of the Procurement - Council Policy) to apply. As a result, we are unable to accept any new non-local applications at this time for the following Arrangements:
- Engineering & Associated Services
- Trade Services, including:
- Electrical, Data Cabling, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration trades
- Landscaping, Gardening & Arboriculture
- Road Construction Services, including:
- Civil Construction
- Road Stabilisation
- Bitumen & Asphalt
Council encourages applications for these Arrangements when the Panel opens for new submissions, estimated at this stage to be mid-2025.
You can contact Council any time to apply to be considered as part of the Panel Arrangements.
Please email Council with a summary of your business including which panel you would be interested in applying to.
Council will send you an application to complete. Upon return, applications are assessed by Council evaluation committees and a response provided to businesses on the outcomes of their application.
Council panels are perpetual with in-takes on a quarterly basis.
Council is releasing a brand-new Supplier Portal (the Portal) in 2024.
To take advantage of the opportunities that the portal presents, Suppliers must be registered.
It's entirely free for Suppliers and, once registered, Supplier can self-manage procurement processes with Council buyers in one central location.
Council will notify existing Suppliers when the Portal is live and update the Council website.
For more information, download the Panel Arrangement Fact Sheet.