Contracts Register


Council publishes details of all contractual arrangements worth $220,000 GST inclusive or more for the current and immediately preceding financial years.

How Council chooses suppliers

Legal requirements

Council reviews and accepts tender offers in line with its Procurement Policy(PDF, 358KB)In short, Council is required to accept the offer most advantageous to it.

Council must consider the five sound contracting principals set out in Section 104(3) of the Local Government Act 2009:

  • value for money
  • open and effective competition
  • the development of competitive local business and industry environmental protection
  • environmental protection
  • ethical behaviour and fair dealing.

Overall, Council conducts procurement impartially, fairly, independently, and with openness and integrity, to ensure probity and accountability in its processes and outcomes.

Preference for local suppliers

Council encourages competitive local businesses, and aims to promote and support competitive local industry in its procurement.

Therefore, as well as price, performance, quality and suitability, Council may also consider:  

  • employment opportunities for the region
  • economic growth for the region
  • readily available goods, services and support
  • the benefit to Council of contracting with local suppliers and the associated local commercial transactions flowing from that contracting.

Contracts Awarded Greater than $220,000 (inc. GST) by date


Under the Local Government Regulation 2012 Western Downs Regional Council is required to publish the following information for Contracts awarded for a 12 month period that are worth $200,000 (Excl GST) $220,000 (Incl GST) or more.