Assessment Templates

A person filling out a form

These templates are made available to assist in the preparation of well-made development applications. They can be used to address Planning Scheme assessment benchmarks (requirements) contained within the Planning Scheme codes. Download the relevant code templates and use in the preparation and submission of development applications.

Part 6 - Zone Codes

Zones organise the planning scheme area in a way that facilitates the location of preferred or acceptable land uses.  

Each zone code identifies the following:

(a) the purpose of the code.

(b) the overall outcomes that achieve the purpose of the code.

(c) the performance outcomes that achieve the overall outcomes and the purpose of the code.

(d) the acceptable outcomes that achieve the performance and overall outcome and the purpose of the code. 

Select the zone code appropriate for your property:

 Zone Codes

 6.2.1 Major Centre Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 240KB)

 6.2.2 District Centre Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 214KB)

 6.2.3 Local Centre Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 188KB)

 6.2.4 Township Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 216KB)

 6.2.5 Low Impact Industry Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 278KB)

 6.2.6 Medium Impact Industry Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 214KB)

 6.2.7 High Impact Industry Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 213KB)

 6.2.8 Low Density Residential Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 167KB)

 6.2.9 Medium Density Residential Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 173KB)

 6.2.10 Rural Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 158KB)

 6.2.11 Rural Residential Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 163KB)

 6.2.12 Community Facilities Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 198KB)

 6.2.13 Recreation and Open Space Zone Code Form.pdf(PDF, 172KB)


Part 7 - Local Plan Codes

Local plans address matters at the local or district level and may provide more detailed planning for the zones. 

Each local plan code identifies the following:

(a) the application of the local plan code.

(b) the purpose of the local plan code.

(c) the overall outcomes that achieve the purpose of the local plan code.

(d) the performance outcomes that achieve the overall outcomes of the local plan code.

(e) the acceptable outcomes that achieve the performance outcomes of the local plan code.

Select the local plan code relevant to your property:

 Local Plan Codes

7.2.1 Western Downs Health Precinct Local Plan Code Form.pdf(PDF, 151KB)


Part 8 - Overlay Codes

Overlays identify areas in the planning scheme that reflect state and local level interest and that have one or more of the following characteristics:

(a) there is a particular sensitivity to the effects of development.

(b) there is a constraint on land use or development outcomes.

(c) there is a presence of valuable resources.

(d) there are particular opportunities for development.

Select the relevant overlay codes for your property:

 Overlay Codes

8.2.1 Airport Environs Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 171KB)

 8.2.2 Biodiversity Areas Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 219KB)

 8.2.3 Bushfire Hazard Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 211KB)

 8.2.4 Flood Hazard Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 308KB)

 8.2.5 Heritage Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 213KB)

 8.2.6 Infrastructure Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 251KB)

 8.2.7 Natural Resources Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 228KB)

 8.2.8 Regional Infrastructure Corridor Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 190KB)

 8.2.9 Scenic Amenity Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 278KB)

 8.2.10 Stormwater Overland Flow Path Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 222KB)

 8.2.11 Waterway Corridors Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 219KB)

 8.2.12 Wetlands Overlay Code Form.pdf(PDF, 209KB)


Note that the following overlay maps for the planning scheme without codes are:

(a) Road hierarchy overlay

(b) Noise corridor overlay