2014 Flood Study Reports


Western Downs Regional Council Planning Scheme Review: Riverine Flood Studies

When the Draft 2013 Regional Flood Study was first presented to Council, after it was peer-reviewed and amended accordingly, it was based on the best available science and data at that time.

In response to community concerns, Council established the Technical Review Panel and set the task of reaching a consensus on the fundamental science underpinning the Study. The Technical Review Panel was made up of pre-eminent practitioners in the field of hydrological and hydraulic research were identified and engaged to perform the technical review.

For further information on the technical review, the report prepared by the Technical Review Panel can be access below:

Report on Technical Review – Dalby Chinchilla Miles Jandowae Wandoan Tara Reports(PDF, 4MB)

Please be aware that some of the following documents are very large and may take some time to download. The document sizes are noted next to the document.

2014 Western Downs Flood Study - Updated Flood Maps

The flood maps in the 2014 Western Downs Flood Study have been updated for Dalby, Chinchilla and Miles to include significant topography changes that occurred since the study was completed. The 1 in 100 AEP (annual exceedance probability) flood maps are included in the report below.

Updated Flood Maps Report – 1 in 100 AEP Flood(PDF, 10MB)

Animated Flood Maps

Animated maps illustrating the 1 in 100 AEP flood event for the towns of Chinchilla, Dalby, Jandowae and Miles can also be viewed below:  



